Harry Wang's Porfolio

Work and Leadership Experience

Harry's Picture

Who Am I?

Harry J Wang

I am a First Year Computer Engineering Student at the University of Waterloo interested in everything and anything related to computers!


Contact Me At:

Email: harryjwang04@gmail.com

Phone: (437)-214-2861

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/harry-j-wang/

Work Experience

SQI Diagnostics Inc.

Software Engineer Co-Op

1.Made Quantispot Software updates that allowed users to customize locations of the wells for specific patients and provide invalidation notifications which increased accuracy by 10%.

2. Coded a new software that increased effeciency of barcode scanning for manufacturing team by 10% while they were kitting the assays for Toronto Western Hospital.

HLA Volleyball Club Assistant Coach

Was an assistant coach that lead a 14u girls volleyball team to Nationals (2021 and 2022) in two consecutive years in Las Vegas and Indiannapolis, earning 15th and 5th in the Liberty Division respectively.

Also created a website for the team that included information such as coach contacts, tryout dates, etc.

Mrs. Field's Cookies


Worked for 5 years as Senior, training new employees, ensuring the quality of the shipment orders (cookie dough, drinks, ice cream, etc.), as well as interacting with customers and optimizing sales.

Recieved weekly shipment orders and tested the quality of each type of order in order to create the best experience for customers.

Advent Health

Infusion Clinic Assistant

Working in the infusion clinic along with two other nurses at one time to provide infusion treatment to cancer patients in the hospital.

Utilized databases and excel formulas to gather information like blood samples, infusion tubes, etc. that are directly related to all the different patients' treatments.

What Else Makes Me Unique?


- Two Year Varsity Tennis Captain

- Four Year Blue Valley District Student Advisory Council Board Member

- Vice President of Blue Valley North High School's National Honor Society

- Two Year Section leader for Blue Valley North High School's Band
